The Zodiac Dial | Silver

Regular price $180.00

Astrology is the harmonization of the cycles of life on earth with the cycles of celestial patterns. It assumes that time is not just a matter of quantity (measuring hours, minutes, and seconds) but of quality: certain times may be tense, while others relaxed. Eastern and Western mystical traditions employ astrology to interpret an index of possibilities and every human’s experience can be intertwined and measured by its’ magical dial. 

The zodiac is a band of 12 equally divided signs that encircles the earth and is believed to have originated from ancient Babylonian star catalogues.  When designing this bangle, it was important that I include all signs, as a persons’ horoscope can contain the entire zodiac. It is hand-carved and its’ details are inspired by the Art Déco style of the Chrysler Building in New York City.

Solid sterling silver bangle featuring zodiac signs.

Excerpts of this description taken from “The Practical Astrologer” by Nicholas Campion.

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